About Us
Why ISTQB® Certification
- High quality syllabi: All syllabi are developed and reviewed by leading testing professionals from academia and industry.
- Global recognition: Certifications are recognized globally because of the consistent application of ISTQB® policies and procedures by the member boards.
- Common language: The ISTQB® Glossary provides a common vocabulary for the profession.
- Objectivity: The assessment of tester capabilities is conducted independently by ISTQB® and provides objective verification of competencies.
- Encourage adherence to a Code of Ethics: All ISTQB® certified testers are recommended to adhere to the Code of Ethics defined by ISTQB®.
- Public Availability: ISTQB® glossary and syllabi are made freely available on the ISTQB® website and on the Member Board websites in local languages.
- Openness: ISTQB® materials are developed on a voluntary basis and are open to contributions from anybody interested in joining ISTQB® working groups
- Independence: The not for profit nature of ISTQB® ensures that content is not constrained by particular methodologies or technologies and is able to draw on best practices from a wide variety of sources.
- Continuous improvement: Syllabi and other documents are continuously being improved to meet the needs of business organizations around the world and to keep pace with the development of the profession.
- Professional standing: Being certified provides advantages for individuals and organizations by ensuring that testing professionals meet the high standards set by the ISTQB®.
Benefits for Professionals
ISTQB® is the international standard in the field of software testing certification. Whether you are just getting started in a career in testing or have been in the field for a number of years, earning an ISTQB® certification offers significant benefits:
- An independent, internationally-recognized validation of skills that employers trust
- Portable proof of ability for both current and future employment
- Career progression support through the advancement of testing skills
(Source: ISTQB® Effectiveness Survey 2020)
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This result demonstrates a high level of satisfaction of test professionals with ISTQB® certification.
Benefits for Employers
ISTQB® certification offers significant benefits to employers by supporting recruitment, retention, and development of testing professionals within the organization:
- Competitive advantage by giving clients greater confidence in your business through a higher level of reliability of the applications being developed due to efficient and cost effective testing practices
- Consulting companies with certified staff can offer higher-level services to customers, increasing revenues and brand value
- Common language and understanding of testing throughout the organization to improve collaboration and working practices
- Access to the ISTQB® Partner Program
Benefits for Training Providers
Educational institutions and consulting companies may become an ISTQB® Accredited Trainer Provider according to processes and rules defined at an international level, becoming accredited offers significant benefits:
- Reassurance and enhanced credibility with current and prospective customers
- A higher standard of training delivered through having:
- Certified trainers
- Content quality and syllabus coverage of training materials checked by an ISTQB® Member Board
- Advance notice of changes to the syllabi and ISTQB® Glossary
- Use of ISTQB® authorized logos and listing on the ISTQB® website